Beauty Does Exist

give thanks for the beauty of life…

It is good to recognize the things we want to change in our lives. It is good to work to improve our lives. There may be issues that are unresolved, but this moment is a time for gratitude.

Sit quietly and focus on the gifts you have been given…

Breathe in the beauty that does exist in your life and breathe out gratitude for that beauty.

It’s time to receive your gifts into your heart and appreciate them fully. Take time to rest in this place of grace and give thanks for the beauty of life…


Shower of Gratitude

The Gift of Water

water-carrierI stretch out in bed, breathing, feeling the summer sunlight and the breeze on my face. I want to stay here and rest some more. I don’t want to get up, get in the shower, and fall into the routine of the day. It feels like work and I’d rather savor this beautiful, blessed rest.

At some point, I realize that my feet have hit the floor in spite of me. Some dutiful automatic pilot has taken over and I seem to be starting my day. Continue reading “Shower of Gratitude”