Cast Iron Angel

A Symbol and Reminder

When I think of what I might like as a Christmas gift, my mind tends to go to electro-
nics or kitchen gear. I do enjoy those things. There are other more conventional gifts for women, like jewelry and clothing. All gifts are appreciated.

There was a large, heavy gold-wrapped box under the tree this year something flopped around a bit inside. I had no idea what it could be. Continue reading “Cast Iron Angel”

The Whole Truth

kfj90x90I do not live a contemplative life. I wonder what I would have been like as a cloistered nun, a minister, or a therapist. I didn’t arrange my life so that I could focus my time on being sane, centered and spiritually enlightened.

I have filled countless journals with my profound, serene insights, with my enlightened thoughts. I have dreamed of sharing them with the world as many of the serene, enlightened writers I admire have. Something has always stopped me though. Yes, I believe that those insights are my true inner truth, but they’re not the whole truth, not the complete truth of my life. To have people read those thoughts without balancing them with the other side of my experience would be a lie. Continue reading “The Whole Truth”

Pomeranian Stampede

It’s going to be a busy Sunday.

Company is coming for dinner. The house is a mess. I need to go to the grocery store and cook, but first, I’ll go too church early, help out there, attend the service and go to lunch. No sweat.

Well, to be honest, there’s sweat as I attempt to start cleaning the bathroom before I go to church. I’m knocking dead leaves off the plants, scraping them off the counter into the waste basket and struggling not to drag the sleeves of my pristine white tunic through the dust. It’s getting hot in here as the temperature begins its climb to 90 plus. A little voice tells me to give it up for now, get in the car and go. I listen and respond. Continue reading “Pomeranian Stampede”

Balance the Cosmos

You are an essential part of the universe.

  • Rest here in the presence of the Divine.
  • Know that this presence surrounds you at all times, in all circumstances.
  • You will never be abandoned.
  • Allow your consciousness to be enfolded in this love,
  • Surrounded by this peace.
  • Claim this joy as your own.
  • You are an essential part of the universe.
  • You are necessary, as each star is necessary to balance the cosmos.
  • Always be certain of this.
  • Please say these words:
  • I am worthy.
  • I am valuable.
  • I am grateful for all that I am.

Beauty Does Exist

give thanks for the beauty of life…

It is good to recognize the things we want to change in our lives. It is good to work to improve our lives. There may be issues that are unresolved, but this moment is a time for gratitude.

Sit quietly and focus on the gifts you have been given…

Breathe in the beauty that does exist in your life and breathe out gratitude for that beauty.

It’s time to receive your gifts into your heart and appreciate them fully. Take time to rest in this place of grace and give thanks for the beauty of life…


Shower of Gratitude

The Gift of Water

water-carrierI stretch out in bed, breathing, feeling the summer sunlight and the breeze on my face. I want to stay here and rest some more. I don’t want to get up, get in the shower, and fall into the routine of the day. It feels like work and I’d rather savor this beautiful, blessed rest.

At some point, I realize that my feet have hit the floor in spite of me. Some dutiful automatic pilot has taken over and I seem to be starting my day. Continue reading “Shower of Gratitude”

We Are Blessed

We give thanks for all that we have been given.

Sit quietly, feeling gratitude for the blessings that have been bestowed on your life. It’s all too easy to focus on imperfections. We all have unfulfilled expectations, but when we view life from a global perspective; we see the challenges that face so many of our brothers and sisters on this planet; we know that we are blessed.

When we have roofs over our heads. When we sleep in comfortable beds. When we have food on our tables and clean water to drink. When we take hot showers. We know that we are blessed.

We vow to use the energy that our privilege grants us to spread love and encouragement to those in need and support the efforts of those who have the power to heal inequality.

We give thanks for all that we have been given.

Walking Your Camino

“No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


Paulo Coelho wrote The Pilgrimage. Shirley MacLaine wrote The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit. Emilio Estevez created the film The Way. These stories, and many more, share the experience of walking the Camino de Santiago.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the time, money, and physical endurance to travel to Europe and undertake this 500-mile journey to enlightenment? Experiencing this hardship has become legendary among those privileged few who find a way to leave their comfortable lives and subject themselves to this journey. Have you ever wished you could be one of them? Continue reading “Walking Your Camino”